

The yacht “Sina­tra the Voice” is wholly owned by Sign of the Times Lim­ited, a Hong Kong com­pany of Lil­ford Hall, Lil­ford, Oun­dle, Northamp­ton­shire, PE8 5SG, Eng­land (here­inafter referred to as the “Seller”). B Shares in the com­pany Sign of the Times Lim­ited are being offered for sale at the price of US$29.97 each. Funds from the sale of B shares in the com­pany will be used for the main­te­nance and restora­tion of the yacht “Sina­tra the Voice:. The web­site of ‘Sina­tra the Voice” pro­vides all of the nec­es­sary actions and infor­ma­tion which are stan­dard legal require­ments for the pur­chase of a com­pany share in Hong Kong.

The yacht “Sina­tra the Voice” was orig­i­nally reg­is­tered with the United States Coast Guard under the Offi­cial Num­ber 271771Details of this reg­is­tra­tion can be viewed by click­ing here for the Cer­tifi­cate of Doc­u­men­ta­tion.

In 1992 the yacht then called “Another Toy II” was pur­chased by Sign of the Times Lim­ited and moved to Hong Kong, and thus duly removed from US Coast Guard records. 

The Seller’s full title in the yacht “Sina­tra the Voice” (recently called Nos­tal­gia X) is presently reg­is­tered under the name of a direc­tor of Sign of the Times Lim­ited (namely Charles Mick­lewright) on the Reg­is­ter of British Ships Part III under the Reg­is­tra­tion Num­ber SSR97366. Details of the Title can be viewed by click­ing here for the Title. Other than such doc­u­men­ta­tion, the Seller will not pro­vide any Pur­chaser with any fur­ther proof of the title to own­er­ship of the yacht ‘Sina­tra the Voice’ by Sign of the Times Limited.

B shares are fully trans­ferrable, and in the event the Pur­chaser sells their B share in the com­pany to a third party, they must use the appro­pri­ate form (click here for sam­ple) and within 3 months notify the Seller at Lil­ford Hall, Lil­ford, Oun­dle, Northamp­ton­shire, PE8 5SG, Eng­land of the name and address of the third party so that the Share Reg­is­ter of the com­pany can be updated.

The Pur­chaser will on pay­ment of monies for a B share become a fel­low of The Asso­ci­a­tion of Sina­tra the Voice. The aims and objects of the Asso­ci­a­tion namely “pro­mo­tion and rais­ing pub­lic aware­ness for the inter­ests of those in the field of yacht restora­tion, and fundrais­ing ser­vices in the field of yacht restora­tion”. The Pur­chaser as a fel­low of the Asso­ci­a­tion is granted the right to use the titles of PART OWNER and ASSO­CI­A­TION FEL­LOW, as well as use of the Coat of Arms of the yacht “Sina­tra the Voice”, under all intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights belong­ing to the Association.

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