Frank Sinatra , yatch

Frank Sinatra’s life­time con­nec­tion with yachts

Frank had a life­time asso­ci­a­tion with yachts. At the age of 17 he work­ed in a Ship­yard as a riv­e­tor. In the late 1930’s and 1940’s dur­ing his singing career he adopted a yacht­ing cap image. In 1945 he sav­ed a drown­ing boy whilst on his yacht. In the late 1950’s he was a guest on Christina O, the most famous yacht of all time. In 1965, there was the famous Mia Far­row yacht trip off New Eng­land. Frank used the yacht Sina­tra the Voice between 1968 and 1974. 

For full arti­cle on Frank’s life­time con­nec­tion with yachts, click here.

His­tory of The Yacht

The yacht SINA­TRA THE VOICE was built by the Burger Boat Com­pany in 1956 in Man­i­towoc, Wis­con­sin USA.

It is under­stood that Frank used the yacht very pri­vately on a num­ber of occa­sions between 1968 and 1974 in West Palm Beach Florida. 

In 1992, the yacht was acquired by the present owner Sign of the Times Lim­ited and presently the yacht is located in Lon­don, its name changed to SINA­TRA THE VOICE in hon­our of Frank Sina­tra, and now owned by mul­ti­ple own­ers each hav­ing a share in Sign of the Times Limited.

For full His­tory of Yacht, click here.

Biog­ra­phy of Frank Sina­tra  

Fran­cis Albert “Frank” Sina­tra was a world famous Amer­i­can singer and film actor, born in New Jer­sey on 12th Decem­ber 1915.

Sina­tra became an unprece­dent­edly suc­cess­ful solo artist in the 1940s, and con­tin­ued singing for over 50 years until a short time before his death. Sina­tra was the recip­i­ent of eleven Grammy Awards dur­ing his singing career.

Sina­tra was a found­ing mem­ber of the Rat Pack, and frat­er­nized with celebri­ties, mob­sters and states­men, includ­ing John F. Kennedy.

Sina­tra also had a highly suc­cess­ful career as a film actor, win­ning the Acad­emy Award for Best Sup­port­ing Actor for his per­for­mance in From Here to Eter­nity.

Sina­tra was hon­ored with the Kennedy Cen­ter Hon­ors in 1983, and was awarded the Pres­i­den­tial Medal of Free­dom in 1985 and the Con­gres­sional Gold Medal in 1997.

Frank Sina­tra (also known as “The Voice” and “Ol’ Blue Eyes”) died May 14, 1998 aged 82 in Los Angeles.

For full Biog­ra­phy, click here.

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